
“Power Thru” Spray

February 2019 New Moon Spell My goal for this spell was to meditate with each ingredient I used. I want to practice visualizing what each ingredient represents and what I want them to manifest. This will hopefully focus my intention and make spells more effective. I started the ritual by doing some yoga and meditation…
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February 28, 2019 0

February 2019 Reflections

I sit down to write this on the last quarter moon before some big energy in March. I’ve already been feeling it! The full moon in Virgo was a huge flush to my system. I am basking in the rewards the moon brought out of me but I am also feeling raw, exposed, and vulnerable…
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February 28, 2019 0


Since I am a witch in training I rely heavily on resources online to guide me. The following sources have helped me learn about astrology and energy while giving me ideas for rituals and meditations. I will be sure to update this page as I find more juicy resources! Forever Conscious This site has…
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February 20, 2019 0

2019 Intentions

I did a revamp of this blog around this time last year. I was riding high off the energy slide that was 2017-2018. It was a time of harnessing the energy of major eclipses, my first cycle truly practicing as a witch. Naturally, I went too hard out the gate and got super burnt out. …
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February 4, 2019 0


Stuck in a rut? Feeling depleted? Is getting up in the morning too hard? Or does everything just feel like too much? Are you too bogged down? Or maybe it all feels too inconsequential to consider going through with anything. Everyone feels like this sometimes. Some people feel this way often. But these feelings are…
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April 19, 2018 0

End of this Eclipse Cycle

I have been tracking my life with the lunar cycles now for about six months. Looking back has actually been fantastic. As I learn more, I am able to contextualize past events – seeing how they make sense with the energy that was present at the time. I have learned more about how I set…
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February 16, 2018 0

Tarot Spreads for Thrupples

The word “thrupple” is one of those words I latched onto as soon as I found it. It’s jokey slang for a “couple” but with three people, a love triangle of sorts. For someone who finds they are attracted to couples as often as they are attracted to individuals, I am grateful for a word…
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February 7, 2018 0

3 Self-Love Spells

If you are in a funk or just looking for a little boost, here are some rituals of self-love that have worked for me. I hope they spark some ideas and help abundance flow <3

February 1, 2018 2

Lunar Eclipse Intention Candle

Intention candles, by my definition, are taper or small pillar candles with a stone or crystal embedded or attached to the bottom. It can be dressed in herbs and oils too, or not, depending on the intention. The idea is that you set a direct intention and channel it into the candle. As it burns,…
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February 1, 2018 0

Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse Reflections

First of all, I cannot get over the name! With something that extra, you know it’s going to be an event. So I planned accordingly. I scheduled a moon picnic with my friend and birthday twin, Nicole. She brought blue moon themed snacks and healthy treats and wine. I found a park that wouldn’t be…
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January 31, 2018 0