
The Only Love Spells That Work

In preparation for the full moon, I have been looking at things I can release from my life. Most of what I would love to shed is anxiety-based and requires a lot of inward reflection and dealing with things I really would just rather not even look at. But it’s always for the better and…
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January 30, 2018 0

2018 So Far – Welcome to My Practice

For anyone who has a regular intuitive practice (whether it be astrology, dream journalling, mindful meditation, general openness to the universe, or straight up witchcraft) the transition from December 2017 into the new year has been packed with planetary punch. Last year was difficult and full of energy and feelings bubbling to the surface. It…
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January 25, 2018 0

The City of Light EXISTS

Sooooo Last week season 3 of The 100 aired and this week was my darling best friend and roommate 4ever’s birthday. Though her heart lies with Clark and Lexa til death, she is infatuated with John Murphy (who’s isn’t, honestly). When we sat down to watch the premiere, I was inspired.  We hit the ground…
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January 30, 2016 0

Happy Few

Can’t believe it’s been 7 years since shooting my thesis project. I am still very happy with everything this project and taught me and all the people if put me in contact with. Here are all the episodes linked to my Youtube channel! Prologue Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode…
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January 25, 2016 0

Sunglass Photoshop

These are from a while back – lol I’m pretty sure I made them all in Snapchat. Past me wanted to put them up in one place. Enjoy!

January 23, 2016 0

I don’t understand why this isn’t a thing yet…

So I took matters [maracas] into my own hands.

January 23, 2016 0

Paired Pics

So I actually liked some of the photos I took at the Getty Center. I’m still getting used to my new lens and messing around in photoshop. I paired up some images. Hopefully I can get some printed soon and see how that goes! Until then, I’m just going to keep posting shit here!

January 23, 2016 0

Trip to the Getty Center

Finally getting to that point where I’m settled in and want to explore. The Getty Center may be my favorite place in LA right now. The light and fog over the city were particularly nice (and I can’t complain about 75 degrees in January). Thanks to Rachelle and Zach for coming with me and waiting…
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January 23, 2016 0