Category: Blog

I’m Renting Out My Condo!

17 Graham Hill has been so good to me. I would love to share this place with someone who will love it as much as I do. Move in as early as July 15th. 1040 sqft, 2 Bed, 1.5 Bath, 2 Parking Spaces (with extra guest parking), In-Unit Laundry, Heat Pumps, Updated Plumbing Fixtures &…
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June 3, 2024 0

2023 Round-Up

This is my year in review! I hope you enjoy. If you are receiving this through email, let me know how it goes with a reply. This is my first time with this newsletter software and I’d love to do more round-ups like these. If you found this through my blog, thanks for visiting Keep coming back for more. Much love in 2024 and beyond! xoxo -Riss

January 9, 2024 0

Make-A-Wish Trailblaze 2022

Back in May of 2022 I signed up for the Trailblaze Challenge through the Maine Chapter of Make-A-Wish. I had volunteered with the chapter off-and-on for two years through the pandemic. My wish granting partner, Sam, was a full time staff member and Event Coordinator. Sam is incredibly good at what she does – and…
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September 20, 2022 2

Holistic Cold Remedies

Happy Summer! This cycle I wanted to write my ruminations on Pride month and the Summer Solstice… but then I came down with a nasty head cold. All my energy has been dedicated to kicking it. Though I still plan on writing something for Pride, I thought today, I would outline my plan of attack…
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June 25, 2019 0

Digital Space As An Altar

I am currently in the process of a big clean out – going through trinkets and papers, throwing out what doesn’t “spark joy”, and keeping everything else in a functional and easily accessible home. One thing I learned is just because you have the space doesn’t mean you have to fill it. This couldn’t be…
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June 2, 2019 0

A Ritual Bath for Your Uterus

I recently had my IUD swapped out. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s a form of birth control that is inserted in your cervix and prevents pregnancy for 5-7 years without taking a daily pill. There are hormone and hormone free options and it is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. There…
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May 10, 2019 0

I Finally Moved – April Reflections

I finally moved! It took an entire moon cycle but I am finally home in Maine. Since the move itself was draining and a lot to unpack (pun intended) I am going to save most of my reflections for another post. I do want to cover the Mercury retrograde and the butterfly migration I was…
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April 8, 2019 0


I want to dedicate this article to my friend and birthday twin Nicole. I hope you can hone your fire and manifest everything you deserve and desire.  (That rhymed… unintentional). -Riss What is an Athame? An Athame is a ritual knife used is several sects of the craft. Traditionally in Neo-Pagan and Wiccan practices the…
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March 8, 2019 0

Ritual Tarot Reading

Last Quarter Moon, February 2019 Sometimes I feel pressure to do work on each phase of the moon. I want to consciously work with the energy available but I may feel too tired, depressed, anxious, pms-y, sad, ect. to put in the work. When the last quarter of February rolled around, I was excited that…
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March 2, 2019 0

“Power Thru” Spray

February 2019 New Moon Spell My goal for this spell was to meditate with each ingredient I used. I want to practice visualizing what each ingredient represents and what I want them to manifest. This will hopefully focus my intention and make spells more effective. I started the ritual by doing some yoga and meditation…
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February 28, 2019 0