Tag: elements


I want to dedicate this article to my friend and birthday twin Nicole. I hope you can hone your fire and manifest everything you deserve and desire.  (That rhymed… unintentional). -Riss What is an Athame? An Athame is a ritual knife used is several sects of the craft. Traditionally in Neo-Pagan and Wiccan practices the…
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March 8, 2019 0

Ritual Tarot Reading

Last Quarter Moon, February 2019 Sometimes I feel pressure to do work on each phase of the moon. I want to consciously work with the energy available but I may feel too tired, depressed, anxious, pms-y, sad, ect. to put in the work. When the last quarter of February rolled around, I was excited that…
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March 2, 2019 0

“Power Thru” Spray

February 2019 New Moon Spell My goal for this spell was to meditate with each ingredient I used. I want to practice visualizing what each ingredient represents and what I want them to manifest. This will hopefully focus my intention and make spells more effective. I started the ritual by doing some yoga and meditation…
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February 28, 2019 0